Thursday, December 14, 2006


Over the waves, so untimed;
With the flows, undirected;
From glows, endlessly;
Those bytes bit mercilessly.
A game, is it? “An honest refusal”,
Unmet commitment; reason unspeakable;
“Promise to keep; pardon, undeserving,
Could not ask; He h’ever, in parts, punishing.”
History – a piece of cloth, cambric,
Together, entwined the colorful fabric,
Patched – where was & got torn;
Still, dry roses scent, thorns adorn.

A non-lover – curious & dubious,
A lover – knows, undubious,
A non-loser – unwanting & blissful
…a loser – undubious & doubtful!
Loss of hope, change for better;
Unshaken faith, no faith to judder;
Charitable cruelty, cruel charity;
A dream so real, undreamt reality;
What is it? Which is it: avengeful anger,
Self indignation; a greedy hunger,
Genuine connection; remorse for mistakes,
Show to entice mercy; hardworked successes,
Escape from present… past – the unlucky strike,
The beginning of this endless strife,
Never did imagine it to really occur,
But it did & the relation it did rupture!

The mind thus transformed to a mine of questions
Coupled with the incapacity to suggest solutions,
From the enigmatic putrefying puddle,
Bubbles the question – the panacea to all riddles,
The question to end all questions: to live or to die,
To end the misery of life, or survive and vie
A divine intervention
Or return of the lost affection?

The facts & thoughts, thus, the loser submits,
And from the rest of the three people, counsel solicits.

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